Friday, August 11, 2006

of senior citizens and pigeons

The other morning I was coming home from work via Edmonton Transit when I looked out the window and saw a little old man with a helmet on walking down the sidewalk. It was one of the most adorable/sad things I have ever seen. Now if you don't already know this about me I have a special place in my heart for little cute old people. Especially the senile ones. I know how that must sound, but when I used to work in the alzheimer's unit with the crazy old people I couldn't help but develop affection for some of them. Like Doug, the little scottish man who always used to stand on his walker in attempts to scale the chainlink fence and escape. He looked quite frail when you would see him pushing his walker down the halls (it was all an act), but in fact he was quite agile. Anyway, maybe it's the nurse in me but when I see these old poor cute helpless people I just want to take care of them. Like the cute chinese patient I had whose english vocabulary consisted of only the word "thankyou." He would say it over and over (with his hands together and his head bowed) and sometimes at inappropriate moments, but it was adorable. It's strange how much senile old people remind me of small children.

Maybe I am sounding crazy. Anyway the old man in the helmet made my day. Of course I felt like I should get off the bus and help him find his way home...
Okay one other thing. I also think pigeons are kind of cute. So overwhelmed, so confused, so...stupid. Hey I guess old men and pigeons sort of go hand in hand. Alright, confession time is now over.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

confession time

Today I spent most of the afternoon trying to think of ways I can avoid procrastinating when I start school in the fall. Unfortunately this afternoon I was supposed to be doing my statistics homework meaning...I was procrastinating while thinking up ways not to procrastinate. What's worse is that I didn't actually reach any sort of solution to my problem. I realized that, while I have any length of time in which to procrastinate, 9 times out of 10 (which is, 90%...ha, take that stats!) I will use that time to procrastinate. In other words, if it is Friday night and I have until Sunday evening at 9pm to finish my work, chances are very good that I will begin the work Sunday at 8pm.
The reason I am bringing this up is because earlier this week Hengen pegged me as slacker. That is, he pegged me as a slacker without any prior knowledge of my studying habits. Come to think of it, so did Josh. Anyway, I wanted to prove everyone wrong come fall but I see now that that is impossible. So guys, I hate to say it, but you are right, I am a slacker. Best to stop the charades before they start. Apparently I was transparent anyway.

Now, back to the homework...
