Friday, February 29, 2008

good morning starshine, the earth says hello!

I never thought I'd be saying this but...I love mornings! I love the feeling of getting up...starting the day early and getting the most out of it. You know, instead of sleeping through the brilliant, rising sun and chirping birds, getting out of bed to enjoy the fresh beauty of a new day...
And yes, this is Jenna writing this post. Shocking hey? Anyone who knows me well knows that historically, morning has been my mortal enemy. In the past, not only did I not wake up until most of it was over, but even after I pulled my sorry, lethargic self out of bed I still wasn't fully conscience until closer to dinner. Yes it's true, I was not born a morning person. But recently I have started to realize that I have been missing out all these years. There really is nothing more enjoyable than getting up and going for a walk first thing in the morning. It is such a wonderful thing. And today while I was strolling down a river valley path with some friends we encountered a loonie and two quarters lying in the middle of the path. How does that old adage go? The early bird gets the cold hard cash? If that's not positive enforcement then I don't know what is. At the very least it was enough to buy a coffee to wake one of us up enough to open our eyes. It is tricky trying to navigate an icy, twisty path with closed eyes...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Jitterbug stroll

knee slap, knee slap...breaktime!

jitterbugging penguins

Well, I realize that I've been gone for quite some time and there is a good chance hardly anyone reads this anymore...but I'm going to write something anyway. If anything this is for Julie, Lowell, Duane, and Kevan. The ones who won't let me forget about this blog.
It sort of seems as though I should be writing this from a distant country where there are new and exciting things happening aroud me everyday. Writing about daily life in Edmonton is a much more challenging task. I suppose this means I'll have to be creative. Either that or write about how this city seems to sneak farther north everyday and how, if we're going to live in such a artic climate, we should at least get to have penguins waddling about. How awesome would that be? In BC we had herds of deer in our yard all the time. I'd much rather have to walk through a herd of penguins in my yard to take the trash to garbage cans in the alley. Perhaps it is all wishful thinking. sigh. I'd even settle for polar bears. anything to take my mind off of this harsh weather...I'll bet it's really hard to be concerned with -40 degree temperatures when you have a ravenous polar bear nipping at your heels.

Back to the whole blogging thing, does anyone really blog anymore (other than Lowell, Julie, Duane, and Kevan)? I mean, is it just me or was blogging just a phase that died out as soon as facebook came on the scene? Am I trying to relive an era long gone? Luckily I am into myself enough that I don't need an audience to write to:)

I really don't have much to say this time around, but it is a start right? Like Cher, even though I probably should have stayed in retirement, I am back on the scene. But before I go I want to share a video of the new dance I have been learning in my swing dance class. Actually it's a really old dance, but still really awesome. A couple of months ago my grandma wrote to me and told me how she had been doing the jitterbug at a senior dance over christmas. I didn't really know what it was at time, but now that I have been learning the jitterbug I find myself impressed with my grandma's agility. I mean, she is old. Maybe this is arrogant, but I find that I am sweating buckets by the time I'm done the jitterbug stroll. I am starting to worry that my 87 year old grandma is in better shape than I am....