Tuesday, September 26, 2006

a bad dream?

Ugh. I can't sleep. I predicted that maybe I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight so prior to going to bed I made myself some sleepytime tea. It didn't work. The silly thing is that I am always tired when a bunch of us are hanging out and watching a movie or something. It'll be like 8pm and I will get this overwhelming urge to bail on the hangout and just go to bed. But then there are nights like these and I wonder, why aren't I doing something useful instead of trying to trick myself into sleep? Also, I could probably afford to turn on some lights, typing in the dark is sort of tricky-like.

I have been developing some alarming night-time habits lately. The other morning I woke up to find an empty bottle of gatorade beside my bed and a bright blue tongue. Let me clarify, the tongue wasn't beside my bed but actually in my mouth. It was my tongue. Anyway here's the problem. First of all I don't remember any gatorade bottles lounging beside my bed the night before. Also, I don't remember drinking any gatorade in the middle of the night. So either one of my cunning roomates placed the empty bottle next to my bed in the middle of the night and sneakily dropped blue food coloring into my mouth whilst I was sleeping, I ate a smurf in the middle of the night, or I downed the entire 710ml bottle of gatorade in my sleep. Once on Oprah I saw obese people who blamed their obesity on sleep-eating. They claimed they would wake up in the middle of the night only to find themselves snuggled up to an empty bag of chips or with ketchup smeared all over their face. They never remembered actually consuming the food but the evidence spoke for itself...massive weight gain, empty cupboards, nawed off corners of the bed frame...
Surely you can see how I find all of this a little concerning. It starts with gatorade, something seemingly harmless, a little bit of electrolyte replenishing, but it ends with me being 600 lbs and polishing off entire chocolate cakes and tubs of ice cream all while enjoying a full eight hours of undisturbed sleep. I guess I will have to start sleeping in the stocks before this gets out of hand.


Monday, September 18, 2006

bring on pumpkin season

So I'm a student again. Weirdness. I might get beat up for saying this, but it is so nice to have a little bit of slackness in my life again. Sure there are deadlines and such, but compared to working full time...school seems like a vacation. On the other hand, I haven't really started most of my classes yet. Perhaps there is a difficulty to being a student that I cannot remember. Or maybe I just never took being a student all that seriously. Either way I will find out. At this moment though, I am enjoying studentness. I love new books. I love office supplies. I love handing in assignments. I...don't love tuition or electives. But I do love feeling like I'm accomplishing something.

I'm enjoying alot of things about Edmonton this year actually. Lately Anna and I have been discovering alot of little coffee shops and such. Coffee shops are one of my favorite places. It is so enjoyable to go to a coffee shop to read or play cards with a good friend. I know that it is not very original but it is something I find comfort in it. We spend so much time stressing ourselves out these days that it is good to indulge in a little comfort from time to time. Hey while I'm on the topic of coffee shops I may as well put in a plug for my friend Andrew Legg who just opened up his own coffee shop here in Edmonton. It's called Transcend. If anyone is interested there is a website: www.transcendcoffee.com. I am planning to go there frequently this year, it looks very cool.

Life. Like Hengen I am rejoicing because it is nice and simple right now. I have very little to complain about. Summer was awesome and now it is getting close to snowboarding season. And as most of you know, that makes me very happy. It's almost time to bust out a little bit of Warren Miller action. I can't watch them too soon though. Watching ski movies when I can't actually snowboard makes me ridiculously ansy. I start fantasizing about snow...waxing my board over and over...putting my snowsuit on multiple times throughout the day and parading around my house in it...it sort of freaks my roomates out I think. So maybe I'll wait another week to start.

Yeah, life is good.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

cantankerous killer kittens riding kicycles in caves

I figured if I didn't post something soon people would eventually stop reading our blog. Am I correct? I find myself even checking my blog to see if anything new has been added...since Anna apparently isn't going to pick up the slack (might have something to do with her lack of internet) I guess that means it's all on me. So you'd think one of the reasons I hadn't written was due to the fact that I didn't have any excitement going on in my life. Actually (and don't act too surprised) it is quite the contrary. There is so much going on right now that I can't even pull myself away to write a little blurb. Um, that is, except for now. Now being the time when I should be sleeping.

So my roommate Kaarina has developed a new way to combat roommate conflict. Stocks! Not like stocks and bonds, but actual wooden stocks. We decided that whenever we think one of us is being silly we should just drag them out to the backyard and lock them in the stocks for a couple of hours. I'm willing to wager that once the icy cold winds of winter hit sillyness will get old real quick. Also, chances are the person in the stocks would be forced to socialize with our cantankerous, senile polish neighbors. The ones who like to periodically spy on us from their backyard. They are so weird - I can't even imagine a more intolerable punishment. Oh wait, yes I can...being locked in stocks in the backyard in the dead of winter and being forced to read a statistics textbook. That is the story of my life lately, minus the stocks and winterness. Anyway, the moral of the story is: when conventional methods of solving conflict cease to be effective...just use brute force! Whenever my brothers and I ran into conflict we prettymuch just ended up smacking eachother around. It's quick, it's easy, it's satisfying...

Wow, I am completely off topic now. That's not what I intended to write about at all. What was it again? Oh yeah, what I've been up to for the last month. Since I have already wasted so much sleeping time already I'm going to have to sum it up. Okay here I go: birthday party in the graveyard, camp, rope swing of death, herds of wild turkeys, murderous wasps, 'kicycle man', caving, and "HIV" the killer kittens.

I love my vacations.