Thursday, March 13, 2008

life happens

Have you ever noticed how some of the coolest adventures and best times of your life happen randomly? As in, if someone hadn't been spontaneous or creative (either yourself or someone else), you wouldn't have gone on to all those crazy places and have all the fond memories that you do (of course some of the trips took alot of planning...don't think I'm trying to take away from someone's hard work)? At least that is what I have been finding as I look back in time. Things just happen, and some of the best things that have happened I couldn't have conceived on my own. I guess I'm not just talking about events that took place, but also the people I have met and some of the things I have learned. I suppose that is what I mean when I say that life is better lived unplanned. God is so much more creative than I am. I have come to realize that life is so much more fulfilling, exciting, colorful, joy-filled, beautiful, amazing, etc. when we let God guide us through it.

And without further adieu...some of the more amazing moments in my recent past:

The West Coast Trail Summer 2006

Idaho Roadtrip Fall 2006

Hawaii Spring 2007

Kayaking Trip Summer 2007

I thoroughly look forward to the next adventure...I'll just have to wait and see what awesome things 2008 has in store. I'm excited:)

Friday, March 07, 2008


That it is easy to accumulate alot of useless stuff. that useless stuff is surprisingly difficult to get rid of. that although falling down my staircase is extremely painful, I love battle wounds (if you can call falling down the staircase a battle). that there are alot of interesting places to visit and things to see on this earth. that life is more fun lived mostly unplanned. that doing taxes can be satisfying. that I have a surprising amount of inner geek. that boys who sing and play guitar are easy to fall in love with (ie. jack johnson). that it is nice to have someone to cook for you. that getting mail is one of the loveliest things ever. that it's all in my mind. that I own some of the most resilient tetras ever hatched (they refuse to die!). that humor makes the world a little more bearable. that the sun makes life a little more bareable. that I would really love to reside in a tropical country right now. that, according to the advice of my 89 year-old patient, I should never grow old. that there is a huge need for grace, but so little of it demonstrated. that some of the simplest pleasures can be found in a box of popsicles (that's a little affirmation for julie). that I know alot of really interesting people. that starbucks should never be allowed to play opera music. that life is better lived in the moment. that God is alot more creative than I am. that randomness makes the world go round. that my timing is often very off. that life is very short. that you can dance anywhere. that some of the most thrilling activites are made even more thrilling when done naked (ie. naked cliff jumping, naked bungee jumping, naked bowling). that life is more fun when you rap about it. that bananas aren't all that bad. that is it cooler to speak in sentence fragments.