Wednesday, November 22, 2006

back to the land of sorels and giant snowplows

You know you're getting old when you find Christmas a source of stress. For the first time...ever, I am anticipating christmas shopping to be holiday hell. The moment I step foot in a shopping center I feel clausterphobic and tense. I fear that if I stop for one second I will become roadkill for the masses of cell-phone toting maniacs and offspring. Mass consumerism has once again sucked all the joy and goodwill out of the season, leaving a pile of spoiled, materialistic gnomes in it's wake. I don't think it was ever meant to be like this.

the city is exhausting.

On a happier note, I am very excited to be retreating to small town BC where I can escape the general public and hide away in my parents cozy home on our quiet street. The place where I see the stars at night from my driveway and fear being attacked by the aggressive deer living in our backyard. I miss simple things like that. Sometimes I even miss the people - the ones who wear their snowmobiling suits and sorels to the grocery store to get milk (why drive a boring old car when you can rip through the streets of town on something called "The Snowmeister 3000"?). I miss the delinquent youth smoking pot behind the dumpsters while trying to light the mall on fire. I even miss the hicks. There is something very endearing about it all.

I think the first thing I'm going to do when I get home is build a snow fort. Kevan? Matthew? Daniel? Leah? You guys in?



~kevan~ said...

ummm - no. the first thing that i am going to do is build a ski jump. the real question is - are you in?

btw - we are taking avalanche training on dec 8. you want to come down and take it with the rest of us?

Duane Clemens said...

Jenna, I want to build a snow fort...and a ski jump for that matter. Curses to not living in BC and being at the Wilkie household for Christmas...actually, that would just be kinda weird.

As a heads up, the avalanche course is actually on the 9th and 10th of December, not the 8th.


Jemma said...

aww duane, you and karyn can visit the wilkie household over christmas at any time. we'll frolic in the snow until our ears turn blue. thanx for the info on the avalanche've sparked my interest.


David Hengen said...

can i come too? not to the avalanche course, but to the frolic session.

there's your comment.

TheFatPonchoBelly said...

You can pretend i'm there and that i'm building a snow fort with you :) i love snow forts my brother and i used to always make them every winter and crawl through them ,,,*sigh * good times .


Dan said...

Hmm, the hicks trying to set fire to the snowfort, People pulling there snowmobiles into the school parking lot to drop of kids ( I "kid" you not.) I miss those days....oh wait. As for the rest kevan Im already scoping out prospective ski jump sites. and this year Im gunna try a 360 Iron cross.