March 8 was the day that I decided was the day to take out my thongs (flip flops for those of you uncomfortable with the proper term)
five months of winter and counting...I am too impatient to wait any longer. Normally I start wearing my flip flop thongs in February, but these are snowy times. March 8 was also the first time that I got to see the sights of Innisfail. In a long story shortened, I was walking around Innisfail in my flip flop thongs looking for the local impound lot, and there was mud, and ice, and snow.
Mud + ice + snow = dirty & cold feet.
I looked down at my unfortunately clad feet and laughed out loud for all the townies to hear.
This adventure did not stop me from wearing flip flop thongs again. I have been wearing them ever since. Even though it is a little bit crazy.
Why were you looking for the impound lot? When are we going to hang out? Why is it getting cold again? Why do I have to go to work today?
Why the heck is it snowing and why did it have to ruin my frolick in the sun-ness. Seriously yesterday and the day before I was out in shorts and a T running around on playing on the swing. What did I do wrong !!?!?
- Vicky
I to was wearing flip flops yesterday.
I tried wearing flip flops yesterday. I gave up at noon when it started raining/snowing and a little bit of hail.
Yesterday I broke out my sandals. The day before I painted my toe nails. On Monday it was very warm until about three, when I got off work and began to walk home and the tempature dropped and it began to be windy/snowy. The two past weeks have been a flurry of missing people. I miss you! They are definitely flip-flops, Mumsey, and not thongs.
Phew, for a moment I thought Jenna was writing the blog and was afraid the Honda was impounded...I would have been distraught. That would really have put me over the edge...first the Ontario license plate going bye bye and then impounding...Oh, I get anxious just thinking about it!
I feel sorry that you actually had to step foot (even flip flop thong foot) in Innisfail.
I feel your pain.
Your map is way cooler than mine. Your blog is like this world wide phenomenon
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