Sunday, June 25, 2006

neither here nor there

I'm tired but I will share with you folks the few thoughts flowing within my inner cranium right now (in point form):

- only 7 more shifts until vacation
- crap! only 12 more days until vacation (I'm not ready!)
- it's freaking hot right now
- at least I don't have to find someone to watch my frogs while I'm on vacation
- I want to be hiking
- I want to be at camp
- Liane is cool
- my favorite animal at the zoo is the bat-monkey (I don't know what it's really called)
- omni's are space efficient
- I need a hair cut
- I wish I had a kayak
- if I were a marsupial, what kind of marsupial would I be?
- basement guy gives me the willies
- mmm ice cream
- money sucks (and talks!)
- battlestarship galactica is the devil
- if only Kaarina knew I had a box of 72 fruit-to-go's...
- the city is devouring my soul
- I am a euchre/crib queen (ha!)
- mmm sleep



Anonymous said...

yo jenna,
I just wanted to comment on your omni comment. We just got a new omni and it's the bomb!

Jemma said...

I love omni's! people like to make fun of them but I think they are great.

hey steph, how's europe going?


Anonymous said...

Yo Jenna! Peter Casurella here, You have a journal too! fantastic! I shall be a regular journal-stalker from now on! Hope you're doing great eh, keep posting! - pete.

Jemma said...

hey petey!
you're alive!!! what's it been...10...12 years now? I have a whole lot of reading to do it seems. Nice to hear from you!